The Sparkle Garden - Testimonials


Welcome to the Diamond Families®

"Sparkle Garden"

Where you, our Clients, are encouraged to leave "Testamonials" for us, along with any comments or feedback you may wish to share..

7 comments on “The Sparkle Garden

  1. Michelle says:

    July 1, 2014 at 9:33 am

    I feel listened to and understood for the first time, Thankyou for all your help!

  2. The Lawtons says:

    July 7, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    They have helped us a lot. We learnt lots of tips. We no longer survive day to day, we are brilliant parents with well behaved children.

  3. A. Bloor says:

    July 12, 2014 at 7:40 pm

    My son now smiles, has friends and sleeps in his own bed. My husband and I are blown away by your support and encouragement. We will tell every one we meet about “life’s secrets”

  4. Daniel says:

    July 13, 2014 at 8:24 pm

    Thanks for the help!

  5. M. Leese says:

    August 7, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    I was depressed and out of work, Diamond Families helped me get back on track, they helped me focus on what I wanted out of life and create successful future for me and my girls.

  6. Lucy says:

    October 23, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    Words will never be enough to thankyou, after just 12 weeks I feel like a new woman. I still can’t understand what you did to transform our lives but your sparkle really does work. I will always remember how you have helped us. Thank you Lucy x

  7. Profile photo of Vanessa CVanessa C says:

    August 26, 2015 at 10:16 am

    I worked with the administration team of Diamond Families over a period of 4 1/2 years in my capacity as a teacher in a local special needs school and exclusion provision facility. The most defining attribute of the professional and knowledgeable staff was the importance and utmost nurturing respect for students, parents and colleagues alike. In my career it has been one of the most fulfilling and professionally rewarding positions. Health, wellbeing and positive outlook of all members involved in the facility was at the forefront of success.
    Many of the staff had extensive knowledge in a variety of emotional, social and mental issues, including but not limited to behavioural and social issues, fostering and adoption procedures. All staff on a regular consistent basis went above and beyond what is expected to ensure the progress and wellbeing of all students. The facility also provided and promoted family learning sessions, bridging the gap with relatives of pupils involved to promote understanding, learning and strategies to deal with difficult situations.
    I would have no reservation in recommending Diamond Families as a provider due to their professional demeanour and passion for assisting those in need. The ethos behind Diamond Families is undoubtedly commendable and plays a pivotal role in our society.
    Upon looking back at my time with the staff, I acknowledge the skills and strategies I personally gained that have enabled me to be a more flexible, nurturing and competent professional myself, many of which I reflect on regularly. In modern society these skills are invaluable and it is satisfying to see such a well regarded group assisting in the community.
    I wish Diamond Families every success in their endeavour to enrich and equip their clients with the tools to provide for a happy and wholesome future to those they assist both directly and indirectly.
    Vanessa x

Attending both Muddy Wellies and half term sessions at Diamond Families is so important for our son. 
He really struggles to engage in activities and clubs but he absolutely loves his sessions at Diamond Families and would stay all day if he could!
Emma and her team have really boosted his self esteem and have had a massively positive impact on his wellbeing and regulation - I actually feel really emotional that at last our little boy has a ‘happy place’ that is outside our home where he feels accepted and encouraged.  It can take us hours to get him ready to leave our home for other outings but for his Muddy Wellies sessions he is dressed and ready to go in moments!
Our daughter has also now started to attend sessions and is absolutely loving them too.
Emma you all really do create ‘sparkle’ in our children’s lives and we could not be more grateful to you.


Feedback from our resiliance program currently being delivered at St Thomas More School Catholic Academy.

‘Increased confidence’

‘The notebook that they gave me.’

‘Kindness, resilience and to remember that when you need someone to talk to talk – even with family.’

‘Loads of stuff that I’ll use at home and school.’

‘Kindness and learn to help others when they need help.’


Providing holistic, therapeutic  and engaging provision for some of the city's most vulnerable pupils is at the heart of the service that Diamond Families provides. Their shared inclusive ethos and access to facilities such as the farm,  allows Diamond Families to engage pupils with a range of needs including ASC, ADHD, SEMH and those who have experienced trauma to name a few. They do so with empathy and understanding; with a vision to improve the life chances of all they work with, giving pupils a voice and a chance to take an active part in their journey.  

Amy Clewlow - Inspire Manager


ST PAULS Primary School
"We have noticed a significant improvement in the behaviour of students following the friends programme that was delivery by Diamond Families". 

I have learnt from the Friends program; How to relax, how to remain calm in a bad situation and how to write steps to success.”

Young people have also said that they “have learnt from the Friends program that you can always talk to someone when you are feeling worried and how important having a support network is to each and everyone of us.

Overall comments from students were very positive and one comment that kept arising was that students will always remember is “F.A.I.L – its our first attempt in learning.”

Attendance figures for the sessions have been outstanding and all students have provided fantastic answers, and all have taken part in their own individual ways throughout. 

We have gained some fantastic feedback from staff and from parents during the parent sessions

 “All pupils focused and seemed to really enjoy the sessions”.

“It was clear to see that the pupils formed a great relationship with the Diamond Families staff and looked forward to them coming in every week”

“Ladies were brill, empathetic and the children really enjoyed it and seemed settled. Loved bunnies’ task!!” 

“It is clear to see that many of our students have adapted some of the techniques learnt and we have seen a positive improvement in behavior”.

 “The parent workshop was very interesting and will be useful for my son!”.

Feedback from REACH

"We have noticed a significant improvement in the behaviour of students following the friends programme that was delivery by Diamond Families". 

"The Diamond Families Staff handled our students is a very effective way and managed to keep them all on task and engaged, which is a result in itself". 

"Really pleased with the outcomes and would definitely have this programme again"


Diamond Families visit our provision on a regular basis, not only to provide opportunities to the wider school, but small one to one sessions.
Group sessions - all students that wish to engage have to opportunity to have positive interactions with a range of animals supporting social and emotional health and giving an opportunity to them that they may no have had in their lives. To be up close and engaging with animals.
One to one session - reading rabbit/tortoise gives a student the space and time with no pressure to practice their reading skills, what ever their ability.  We have students showing progress and confidence within their own abilities.





Diamond Families, Rosslyn Road, Longton, Stoke-On-Trent, ST3 4JD