Therapeutic Farm and Wellbeing Centre.


Our small innovative service focuses on family harmony. Our success is driven by our flexible and accessible bespoke packages. We are focused on helping YOU and YOUR family succeed.

If issues such as lack of confidence, being bullied, stress, anxiety, anger, etc are addressed promptly there is less chance that they will affect the emotional, mental and academic performance of your child.

Diamond Families CIC Emotional well being workshops for young people and their families.

Run by our experienced team of emotional health coaches which includes our very Own pets as therapy  Dogs, Pony’s, Lamas, Goats and little furry friends.
We all respond and adapt differently to events that happen in our lives, not recognising how we feel or how to cope causes stress and adds confusion which can lead to behavioural problems and the inability to communicate effectively. Our wellbeing centre helps young people  who feel isolated, misunderstood and confused to become confident and empowered, helping them to recognise the true potential. 

Our unique multi disciplinary team, offers a hands on approach to enable young people to make profound, lasting changes which lead to life long skills. It is a very different form of therapeutic help there is no need for lots of talking, it’s all about taking positive action and learning solution focused approaches!
Benefits of our animal assisted workshops are:
Increased self confidence and confidence in social situations
Ability to create and maintain calmness
Understanding others and increasing empathy
Forest bathing and mindfulness 
Developing a ‘have a go’ attitude, engagement and focus 
Understanding energy and increasing self awareness 
Repaired relationships 
Released potential
Life long coping skills 
Forest school


What our Theraputic Centre consists of:

  • Onsite Theraputic Centre
  • Animal Therapy Sessions
  • Friends Resilience Training 
  • Stop Think Do programme
  • Forest School Sessions
  • Onsite Farm
  • Onsite Training Opportunities
  • OCN Qualifications 

Pond dipping

Basic boxing and self-defence sessions led by a semi professional boxer Luke Caci

Furry friends craft club

Outdoor meditation

Basic first aid

Forest school activities

All activities are led by a team of specially qualified coaches including our therapeutic pets.





Diamond Families, Rosslyn Road, Longton, Stoke-On-Trent, ST3 4JD